Wrinkle Reduction & Skin Rejuvenation

Rediscover your skin’s beauty with wrinkle reduction & skin rejuvenation treatments.

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkles and fine lines are natural signs of a life well-lived – but they can be made much worse by ageing, diet, pollution, and lifestyle factors. Since our skin says a lot about our health, age, and daily lives, it does not come as a surprise that the global anti-ageing cosmetics market is set to reach a whopping $60.2 billion by 2026

But, while creams and skincare products might help you maintain your skin at its best, some longer-lasting anti-ageing alternatives can help you rediscover your skin’s beauty, reduce wrinkles, and rejuvenate your face. 

Facial Aesthetics to Rejuvenate Your Skin And Reduce Wrinkles

Wrinkles and fine lines tend to appear when the production of collagen and elastin in your skin slows down – which is bound to naturally happen as you age. Other factors, such as prolonged sun exposure, pollution, smoking, and an unhealthy lifestyle, can make wrinkles more noticeable. 

Facial aesthetics – also known as anti-wrinkle procedures – are sets of non-surgical treatments that aim to rejuvenate the face, skin, neck, and forehead. 

The treatments used in facial aesthetics vary depending on your skin and the results you are trying to achieve. Some common alternatives include:

  • Botulinum toxin injections – this wrinkle reduction treatment aims to relax the muscles of the forehead and corners of the eyes, reducing the visibility of “active wrinkles”, which are caused by muscle activity. This skin rejuvenation treatment’s results can last for up to four months.

  • Dermal fillers – this treatment uses hyaluronic acid injections, a natural substance that contributes to skin wellbeing and elasticity. Since hyaluronic acid production decreases with age, fillers act as a “top-up”. The results can last up to 12 months.

What To Expect From The Wrinkle Reduction & Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Wrinkle reduction and skin rejuvenating treatments usually last between 10 and 20 minutes, and they are delivered by the highly-trained and qualified team at the
Dental Health Centre. The treatment does not usually require anaesthetic, but you can opt to receive a sedative if needed. 

While your skin might feel sensitive and bruised after the treatment, there is no recovery time, and you can return to your life straight after the appointment. Depending on your desired results, your doctor recommends more than one treatment. Get in touch today with the Dental health centre to discover more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You will start to notice a difference in 3–5 days, however after 10-12 days, the full effects will be visible.

The effects of anti-wrinkle treatment last 3-4 months on average.

Anti-wrinkle injections have been used medically for over 50 years. When provided by a skilled and experienced practitioner, Anti-wrinkle treatment poses only very minimal risks.